Thursday, May 26, 2022

The Bottom Line... Sell Your Home When You're Ready! #7


Sell when you’re ready

Sellers spend an average of seven months just thinking about selling before actually listing. Plus, they typically make at least a couple of home improvements.

When it comes down to it, the best time to sell is the best time for you. All kinds of personal factors can play into your decision to sell, from job changes to family changes to just generally feeling ready. Keep the following factors in mind:

Lifestyle changes: Job changes, relocations, a growing family, and downsizing are the most common reasons people decide to sell. Job-related moves often require a stricter timeline, whereas family-related moves can sometimes be timed to take advantage of beneficial market factors.

Emotional preparedness: No matter the reason for your move, it’s important to make sure you’re emotionally prepared. Even if you’re moving for a logical reason — for example, you’re a recent empty-nester downsizing after your kids are grown — it can be hard to let go of the memories associated with your family home. Give yourself time.

Financial benefits: If your home has gained substantial equity, the value you’ve built may be enough to get you a healthy down payment on your dream home or give you a comfortable cushion for retirement.

After listing, U.S. homes sell within 55-70 days on average. 

With that in mind, you can typically expect to reserve at least two months for preparing to sell, which will give you time to research your local market, hire an agent you trust, clean your home thoroughly and complete any minor repairs.

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