Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Simple Landscape Projects Can Have Huge Impact on Curb Appeal!


Spring is almost here and now's the time to start thinking about easy projects that can add big curb appeal to your home. Here are a few tips from the experts...

Removal: Plant removal can be a delicate process, as the roots and branches often get intertwined with those of surrounding plants. Go slow and gently remove the the unwanted plants, without damaging the ones you want to keep.

Edging: In order to keep your garden looking its best edging is a must. Without proper edging, plants can overgrow their boundaries, making your garden look messy.

Planting: After clearing out the space, plan out the type of new plants and flowers you need to add to your garden. 

Fertilizing: There are lots of different types of fertilizers on the market. Do your research before heading to the local garden supply store to make sure you get the "right" mixture for your garden.

Mulching: Mulch will help to hold in moisture during those long summer days while adding a "finishing touch" to the appearance of the garden.

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