Friday, October 13, 2017

Can 13 Bring Your Home A Little Luck?

Since October 13th is a Friday this year, we did a little research and here's what we found...
  1. Never walk under a ladder.
  2. When you move out of a house, leave the broom behind along with the dust and dirt of your old home.
  3. Carry bread and salt with you when you first enter a new home (along with your new broom).
  4. It’s bad luck to carry a hoe into the house.
  5. Hang herbs with yellow flowers and feathery leaves over the door to protect your home from witches.
  6. Paint your front porch blue to ward off ghosts.
  7. Never put shoes on a dresser or table.
  8. A house with windows on the east side, facing the sunrise will bring good luck.
  9. Clean your house on the Chinese New Year to rid it of all bad luck.
  10. Placing an acorn on a windowsill will protect a house from being struck by lightning... now you know why blind pulls looked like acorns.
  11. Never open an umbrella inside.
  12. Thursday is said to be the luckiest day to move into a new home.
  13. Never pound a nail after sunset, or you’ll wake the tree gods and we wouldn’t want to do that.:)

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